

Here is one way to generate dynamic html for your Shiny app from a reactive data frame using my favorite tidyverse package purrr and specifically the pmap function. I’ve created a shiny app that uses the starwars dataset included with dplyr. The user selects a species from a drop down. Then for each character who belongs to that species some sweet html is generated that displays their name in a <h1> tag, their home planet in a <h2> tag and their species in a <h3> tag.


The Good Place is such a great show. I recently created an API client package called goodshirt to bring a tast of The Good Place to our Good place, the R console.

ascii image of a cat

ascii image of a cat


I recently created a one function package called bortles. This post is about inspiration and the benefits of creating silly packages. The inspiration came from many sources.


tldr: I haven’t completed this post yet its WIP - I’ll tweet when it’s done.

it’s taken a long time to write about my experience at user!2018 in Brisbane. Partly , i was having some problems with my blog not building on Netlify that I couldnt resolve. also i fell into a bit of a post conference funk.


I found a cool use for purrr’s map_if function recently that both felt wizardly and helped me better understand when to use map_if. Problem: I had a list called params with 3 items of different types start_date - a Date end_date - a Date confidence_interval - a Numeric params <- list( start_date = as.Date("2015-01-01"), end_date = as.Date("2015-12-31"), confidence_interval = 0.8 ) params ## $start_date ## [1] "2015-01-01" ## ## $end_date ## [1] "2015-12-31" ## ## $confidence_interval ## [1] 0.


tl;dr - I gave my team a 30 min intro to R talk and followed up with an email listing useful resources for people who have never tried R. I work in a small team of 9 performance, costing and electronic medical record (EMR or EHR) analysts at a publicly funded peadiatric hospital in Melbourne, Australia. I have been on my own quixotic (adj. possessing or acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality; exceedingly idealistic)


What a great two days I had at rOpenSci’s ozunconf 2017. two days of meeting fascinating and friendly new people two days filled with great conversations two days of learning new things and breaking things two days of inspiration two days of communal git ups and downs two days of not having to explain ‘why R’ Before, during and since the ozunconf I have been the interested in the idea that since actions create data - our own actions in attending and participating generate their own data that would be interesting to analyse.